Option (disabled by default) to consider the last "." in folder name as extension delimiter. Previous versions were always considering that a folder could have an extension, but that's not commonly used.
When folders are renamed, the path of files in the list is updated if needed. Previous versions were giving an error as files contained by renamed folders were not found anymore.
"Case sensitive" option in the "Multiple string replace" action.
A few bugs fixed.
2.11 (01/04/2015)
By default, when installed, the settings are stored in Users folders instead of Program Files, for better compatibility with Windows Vista/7/8.
A few bugs/details fixed.
2.10 (12/05/2008)
Replaced component used for number fields.
Added %count% tag, and improved the %folder% tag.
2.09 (09/09/2006)
Characters deletion: option to also delete characters before a specified string.
Added a new action for using data contained in JPEG EXIF tags.
Added a new action for generating new names using a regular expression.
When the "Shift" or "Ctrl" key is pressed when adding files/folders by drag & drop, the files/folders/subfolders addition options window is always displayed.
A few bugs corrected
2.08 (15/10/2004)
Help file (English & French only for the moment)
Added support for some command-line parameters, see help file.
More advanced formatting system for some actions, especially for mp3.
Option for using Creation date instead of Modification date, in Date & time action.
Option for reverting to start value when changing folder, in Enumeration action.
Option for storing log to a file, with or without append.
Possibility to filter log entries (successes, errors, not renamed files).
A few bugs corrected
2.07 (06/02/2004)
"Move string" action.
A few bugs corrected, a few options added in actions.
2.06 (23/09/2003)
Modified toolbar system, and switched from TBSkin to TBX (dropped "Windows XP" theme on non-XP systems).
"Multiple string remplacement" allowing to replace a set of characters by another set, e.g. remove accents on letters.
Faster log (it was really slow when renaming hundreds of files).
Corrected "preview" bug when using planned actions list.
2.05 (18/05/2003)
Optional columns in file list : size, date created, date modified, full path, extension.
Items in Files and Batch list can now be moved by drag & drop.
2.04 (04/05/2003)
Can rename folders in addition of files. This required a few changes in the "Add folder contents" and Drag & Drop operations.
Option to move files to another path if their new name starts with "x:\" (where x is any letter) or "\\".
Option to specify the maximum number of items to keep in drop-down lists.
A few other small changes, and corrected a bug with the drag & drop of long file names under NT/2000/XP.
2.03 (13/04/2003)
Unicode support under Windows NT4, 2000 and XP.
Batches can be saved and loaded.
2.02 (06/04/2003)
Option (enabled by default) to display icons in the file list (based on the extensions of the files).
Toolbars positions and list columns settings are now saved.
2.01 (25/03/2003)
Added a French translation and a sample English translation file, to allow any translation to be made.
Corrected a bug that sometimes stopped the renaming process before the end.
2.00 (16/03/2003)
Option to copy files to new name instead of rename them.
Added a few missing things. Now all what was in version 1.4 should be there (except translation system).
2.00 'Preview 1' (08/03/2003)
Complete rewrite of the program with Borland Delphi 7 (instead of C++Builder 5).
Possibility to make a list of actions to apply.
Corrected lots of bugs (but probably added new ones).
New action: take names from a list or a file.
1.4.0 (08/09/2001)
"Preview" function that allows you to see what the names will look like without modifying anything on the disk.
"Undo" function that restores names before the renaming process (for files that are still in the list).
Contextual menu in the file list allowing to move items (if you want to change the order of the files before they are renamed).
Improved some small things, most of them are not visible but make the source code cleaner.
1.3.1 (23/03/2001)
Corrected some small problems with the "Change extension" feature.
Corrected a bug when drag & drop a folder on the program's window.
Now the program saves in its configuration file all the renaming options that where used last time.
1.3.0 (14/02/2001)
Use of the track number for the mp3s (ID3v1.1).
Case change (uppercase, lowercase, first letter of each word in uppercase, ...).
Some small details.
1.2.1 (20/10/2000)
Fixed a bug in the Options window.
Can replace invalid characters in filenames such as : < > * | ¦ / \ ? when they are in a mp3 tag.
1.2.0 (07/10/2000)
Random names creation.
You can add files to the list by a drag & drop from Windows' Explorer.
1.1.1 (20/09/2000)
New extension replacement option : enumeration.
1.1.0 (15/09/2000)
Easy translation by addition of two files (lng and txt).